Devonport Business Association
Core Purpose
The core purpose of the Devonport Business Association (DBA) is to help create an environment where local businesses can flourish at what they do best.
Activities that the Devonport BID Programme undertakes include:
Advocacy to local government and agencies
Business development and networking
Marketing, communications and promotion
Tourism promotion & development
Urban and street environment enhancement
Events & campaigns
Contact details
Devonport Business Association
PO Box 32004, Devonport,
Auckland 0744
Tabitha Coleman - General Manager of the Devonport Business Association
Devonport Business Improvement District (BID) Programme
Auckland city’s harbourside jewel Devonport has an important history and a unique community story. The village’s town centre is about people and people's needs; it provides convenience, choice, value, leisure, entertainment and a sense of place. Town centres are about place-making, and communities having ownership and a sense of belonging. Our town centre is a place of meeting and engaging, about identity and who we are. It is also about good urban design and mixed-use development that will address our growing needs.
The Business Improvement District (BID) model is proven both internationally and in New Zealand. Currently there are 50 BID Programmes, representing over 25,000 businesses operating within the Auckland region with a combined capital value of more than NZ$70 Billion. The programme provides a means for local innovation and economic growth.
The Devonport BID was established by ballot in 2014. Local business and property owners have agreed to work together to provide value to the collective business community by delivering a suite of economic activities. Auckland Council supports Business Associations operating BID programmes as set out in the Council BID Policy 2022.
Auckland Council applies the DBA BID targeted rate which is collected from the ratepayer/property owner via rates, in many cases paid indirectly by the business owners/tenants located within the DBA BID boundary area. A primary focus of the BID Programme is to deliver local economic development outcomes, the approach also provides a catalyst for Business Associations to advocate to Auckland Council and contribute a business perspective for Council and Local Board policies and initiatives.
The Devonport BID or DBA is governed by a Board of elected voluntary representatives and has one contracted part time manager. Guided by its Constitution it represents, supports, and helps almost 200 business and commercial property owners.
The Devonport Business Association (DBA) is a registered incorporated society. The Board sets its own Strategic and Annual Business Plans that are critical for the operation of the BID Programme. These are approved at the AGM each year and determine the Business Association's key priorities and inform projected budget and resource allocations.
The BID programme provides a mechanism and a relationship between the DBA and Auckland Council. An important aspect of the BID Programme is that 100% of the BID Targeted Rate Grant goes to the Business Association.
To view our BID area map visit https://bid.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/
For more information visit the Auckland Council BID website link: https://bid.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/
Auckland Council BID policy can be found at: https://bid.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/bid-policy