Beaches & Maunga.
The beaches that line the coast of Devonport's Peninsula are some of the most stunning in all of Auckland. With lagoon-like waters that lap in shallow bays, golden sands and stunning outlooks, they are a true escape from the hustle and pace of city-life.
Māori history goes back to the mid 14th century and the three maunga (mountains) Takarunga (Mount Victoria), Maungauika (North Head) and Takararo (Cambria Reserve) were originally used as māori pā sites (fortified villages). Takarunga remains an important icon for locals as it stands sentinel at the top of the village and you can still see its lava flows in Devonport Beach. On its western slope is the Michael King Writers’ Centre and Community Art Space, and a climb to the top offers magical 360 degree views of the Gulf Harbour, Waitemata Harbour, Devonport Peninsula and the sparkling Auckland City just beyond.
Maungauika (North Head) is riddled with military tunnels, connecting bunkers and empty gun emplacements, and there are rumours still of mysterious tunnels now long forgotten.
Takarunga and Maungauika are managed by the Maunga authority and in 2018 a restriction to vehicle access to the tihi/summit was established on Takarunga, with parking available at the mid-point. This was done in recognition of the cultural value of these two geographic landmarks, making the walk to the summit even more special. For those unable to make the climb, a code can be accessed from Auckland Council so that everyone can enjoy the sublime views.